Monday, 20 December 2010

Meet [X] White

ok so im the slightly crazy one of the clan but also sometimes the carm one. having a laugh with the clan is what makes me keep picking up that wii moat and playing. i love playing with every one aslong as you dont beat me to bad. i play as much as posible mainly british times 7-10, hope to be playing with you all soon. i try to mix the conversation up abit, but sometimes you may have to put up with my b-e-a-utifley "Angelic" voice. to be truely honnest im not up for any people who are sore losers unless they are just having a laugh, but seiorisly guys its a game to have fun on not to screem and cry over xD

i hope i will seeing you all in the close future if it does mean that i have to hurt you


  1. Well said White. This is a game, well, clearly more than just game, try equal to life itself. But yeah, chilling, spilling, relaxing to the maxin is what it's all about.

  2. ...shooting some b ball outsidea school. When a couple o guys who were up to no good, started makin trouble in ma neighbourhood....

  3. ahaha fresh prince mr green xD
